Search summary (UniProt accession: Q8WZA1)

Number of enzymes: 1
Number of disease: 4
Number of reactomes: 1
Number of reactions: 1

Search results (UniProt accession: Q8WZA1)

DiseaseID Gene UniProt EC numbers Reactomes Expanded Reactomes Reactome roots Reactions
MONDO:0013155 POMGNT1 Q8WZA1 2.4.1.- R-HSA-5173105 R-HSA-597592
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-5617037 ( R-HSA-5173105 )
MONDO:0009667 POMGNT1 Q8WZA1 2.4.1.- R-HSA-5173105 R-HSA-597592
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-5617037 ( R-HSA-5173105 )
MONDO:0013161 POMGNT1 Q8WZA1 2.4.1.- R-HSA-5173105 R-HSA-597592
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-5617037 ( R-HSA-5173105 )
MONDO:0014929 POMGNT1 Q8WZA1 2.4.1.- R-HSA-5173105 R-HSA-597592
Metabolism of proteins R-HSA-5617037 ( R-HSA-5173105 )