Number of enzymes: | 1 |
Number of disease: | 2 |
Number of reactomes: | 1 |
Number of reactions: | 1 |
DiseaseID | Gene | UniProt | EC numbers | Reactomes | Expanded Reactomes | Reactome roots | Reactions |
MONDO:0010221 | PIGL | Q9Y2B2 | | R-HSA-162710 |
R-HSA-163125 R-HSA-597592 R-HSA-392499 |
Metabolism of proteins | R-HSA-162857 ( R-HSA-162710 ) |
MONDO:0016596 | PIGL | Q9Y2B2 | | R-HSA-162710 |
R-HSA-163125 R-HSA-597592 R-HSA-392499 |
Metabolism of proteins | R-HSA-162857 ( R-HSA-162710 ) |